Verifying emails that are accept-all or protected by SEGs

Eric Martin

Last Update 2 months ago

What is accept-all (catch-all)?

Email domains that have configured accept-all (or catch-all) filters would return the status code of 250 OK for all email addresses at that domain, existing or not. As a result, those email addresses cannot be verified in the traditional way, and most email verification services have to mark all those emails as risky as they cannot provide a reliable result.

What's SEG (Secure Email Gateway)?

For increased email protection, many organizations may use SEG, like Proofpoint, Minecast, etc. An SEG works by acting as a proxy for an organization's email servers. The SEG can filter and inspect email for malicious content before forwarding emails to the intended recipient. As a side effect, SEG also makes email verifications harder, if not impossible, for most email verification service providers. 

How BounceBan verifies emails that are accept-all or protected by SEGs?

BounceBan does not simply mark all the emails that are accept-all or protected by SEGs as "risky" like others do. Instead, it has developed a special algorithm that can detect and analyze many signals to reliably determine the true deliverability of those emails. 

BounceBan guarantees that it can reliably verify 83%+ of email addresses that are accept-all or protected by SEGs (Secure Email Gateway) with a 97%+ accuracy, and the rest that cannot be reliably verified will be marked as "risky". As a result, you'll get more emails correctly marked as "deliverable" or "undeliverable" depending on your list quality, and fewer emails marked as "risky", while still achieving the similar level of guaranteed delivery rate.

Learn more about our guarantee here:

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